What is Characterization in Literature?
Direct vs. indirect characterization and how to write it.
In literature, writers use characterization to teach readers about a character. There are two main elements of characterization: Direct and indirect.
Direct Characterization
Direct characterization means the writer directly tells a reader about a character. When characterized directly, there is little to no room for reader interpretation. Direct characterization examples include physical descriptions or the author outright stating facts about a character, like their job, relationships, etc.
For example, from Anthony Doerr’s All the Light We Cannot See:
“In a corner of the city, inside a tall, narrow house at Number 4 rue Vauborel, on the sixth and highest floor, a sightless sixteen-year-old named Marie-Laure LeBlanc kneels over a low table covered entirely with a model.”
Doerr directly characterizes Marie-Laure LeBlanc as a sightless sixteen-year-old. There is nothing up for interpretation about where she lives, her blindness, or her age.
Indirect Characterization
Indirect characterization reveals information about a character through their actions, dialogue, thoughts, etc.
For example, again from All the Light We Cannot See:
“All evening she has been marching her fingers around the model, waiting for her great-uncle Etienne, who owns this house, who went out the previous night while she slept, and who has not returned.”
In this passage, readers learn more about Marie-Laure: she is patient and focused, maybe even a little obsessive.
You may have noticed that Doerr mixes direct with indirect characterization in this passage, as writers often do. While readers learn more about Marie-Laure through her actions, Doerr also directly tells readers that her great-uncle owns the house.
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Physical Descriptions
Physical descriptions of characters can work on three levels:
They tell readers what a character looks like.
They tell readers a little about what a character is like.
They tell readers more about the main character because of what they’re choosing to notice about other people.
When writing descriptions, keep in mind that it’s not really interesting to describe characters by their hair color or their eyes. Those kinds of descriptors don’t tell readers anything about the character.
Instead, try focusing on interesting or unique bits of the character. For example, you could talk about the ash between a character’s fingers. While strange, it gives readers a visual to latch onto while also indicating that this character must wash their hands a lot and not follow up with lotion. Are they OCD? Do they work in the medical field? But also, why is your MC noticing this? Are they judgmental?
The point is small, strange details can generate questions and intrigue, whereas “The woman had brown hair” does no work for any kind of character development. However, if that woman had blonde hair with ends so fried you can see them crunching and breaking off and brown roots two inches thick, that kind of hair description says a lot about who that character is as a person.
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Characterization Don’ts
New writers often introduce characters in cliché ways. Here are some characterization mistakes to avoid:
Letting your character introduce themselves directly to your readers. For example, “Hi, my name is Mary, and I’m 53.” This might work for children’s or middle grade books, but otherwise, it’s best to avoid it.
Information dumping. In real life, people get to know each other over time, learning bits of information every time they see each other. Your characters should do the same.
Introducing your main character’s physical appearance by looking in a mirror or at a picture of themselves.
Introducing your main character as they start their day, such as waking up or showering. Instead, start your story in media res, which is Latin for “in the midst of things.” Start your story when the action begins.
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